Societal engagement

In times of major global challenges such as wars or the climate crisis, the question of social responsibility and engagement of music and art universities is becoming increasingly important. Music and art universities can act as role models in becoming institutions that live values such as diversity, pluralism, equality, democracy and solidarity. As such they can support students in becoming critical, reflective and questioning individuals willing and able to bring about change.

For this reason, we have the specific objective to strengthen the service to society provided by the IN.TUNE partners through the creation of joint strategies and programmes in the various areas of societal engagement. Our five Working Groups (WGs) will develop these strategies and programmes in the areas of a) Lifelong Learning for professionals, b) Employability, Professional Integration and Sustainable Careers, c) Audience Engagement and Cultural Citizenship, d) Diversity and Inclusion, and e) various dimensions of Sustainability.

In the WG “Lifelong Learning for professionals” we will create an inventory of existing Lifelong Learning courses for professionals offered by IN.TUNE partners and plan on how to use the cooperation in the alliance to jointly develop and implement new courses.

How are our IN.TUNE partners addressing entrepreneurship and career skills within existing study programmes? In WG “Employability, Professional integration and Sustainable Careers” we will examine this question and prepare a proposal for joint (online) courses and resources in the areas of entrepreneurship and career skills.

Audience engagement and support to Cultural Citizenship need to be addressed in study programmes (i.e. empowering musicians to be active in hospitals, refugee shelters, retirement homes, etc.). Our WG “Audience Engagement and Cultural Citizenship” will screen existing study programmes at the universities and explore how alliance partners are currently engaging with local and regional audiences, and stakeholders through their activities.

The WG “Diversity and Inclusion” will discuss ways to enhance more diverse and inclusive learning environments by discussion matters of equity, diversity, inclusion and gender equality specifically in the context of the institutions, as well as different forms of sustainable practices. We will look into existing institutional policies on diversity and inclusion, and sustainability including an exploration of their scope and definitions used.


As part of its focus on societal engagement, IN,TUNE will set up:

·  jointly developed new Lifelong Learning courses

·  joint (online) courses in the areas of entrepreneurship and career skills

·  transnational internships and placements for students in the cultural and creative sector

·  trainings for communication and concert production teams

·  joint intensive training courses in the area of socially engaged practice (i.e. Entrepreneurial Bootcamps)

·  short trainings for staff responsible for diversity and inclusion

·  short trainings for staff responsible for sustainability

Members of the Work Package Committee:

·  Gerda Müller, Vice-Rector for Organizational Development, Gender & Diversity,  Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw), Chair

·  Sigrid Røyseng, Professor of Cultural Sociology, Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH)

·  Verona Maier, Vice-Rector for Artistic Activities, Scholarships and Alumni Club, Universitatea Națională de Muzică din București (UNMB)

·  Sabine Alexandre, Post-graduate, Professionalization and Outreach Manager, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP)

·  Katja Thomson, Lecturer in Music Education, Taideyliopisto – Sibelius-Akatemia (UNIARTS)

·  Enric Guaus, Professor at Technologies and Music Management Department, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona (ESMUC)

·  Isa Goldschmeding, Coordinator New Audiences & Innovative Practice, Stichting Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag – Koninklijk Conservatorium (HdK)

·  Maja Smiljanić Radić, Professor of Organ, Head of the Poly-instrumental Department, Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Univerzitet umetnosti u Beogradu

·  Filip Babić, IN.TUNE Student Council member, Taideyliopisto – Sibelius-Akatemia (UNIARTS)