The IN.TUNE Governance structure model

The IN.TUNE Governance structure model is created to ensure a flexible and efficient alliance in which all partners complement each other and work together to reach the desired outcomes. It is developed in such a way as to guarantee collaboration among partner universities and the enduring sustainability of the Alliance.
The organisational structure of the consortium comprises the following Consortium Bodies:
  • Governing Board
  • Executive Committee
  • Work Package Committees
  • Working groups
  • Alliance Management Team
  • Student Council
  • Administrative Committee

The distribution of roles, responsibilities, and tasks is based on each institution’s expertise and complementarity in order to ensure high-quality outcomes and efficiency in the implementation of the alliance.

Strong student representation and involvement in the governance structure should be particularly highlighted. In addition to the Student Council, which consists of two students from each partner university, students make up a third of the Governing Board membership, with equal voice to the rest. Equal voting rights for students ensure a more democratic governance structure, demonstrating that students are among the essential stakeholders. This participation also prepares them for future roles in leadership by providing valuable experience in governance structures, equipping them with skills and experiences beyond the traditional academic outcomes. Additionally, each topical work package has a student member on their committee, bringing student perspectives into the work package activities and developments. This inclusion allows students to directly influence the content and delivery of all relevant activities across the alliance.

With regard to its governance structure, the alliance has foreseen that all decision-making bodies include representatives from all eight partners (including students) and an independent student body. Such an organisation reflects financial, structural and organisational commitment at the highest institutional level. The engagement of all stakeholders at other levels and their active involvement in the co-creation of the alliance activities furthermore contribute to developing a strong sense of shared ownership within the alliance.

Roles and responsibilities of consortium bodies
The management of the alliance is carried out by the Consortium Bodies, which are the decision-making, consultative, and executive entities, each assigned specific roles, tasks, and responsibilities.

The organisational structure of the consortium comprises the following:

The Governing Board is the highest decision-making body of the consortium.

The Coordinator is the legal entity acting as the intermediary between the partner institutions and the Granting Authority (European Education and Culture Executive Agency – EACEA). The Coordinator of the IN.TUNE alliance is Norwegian Academy of Music – Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH). In addition to its responsibilities as a partner institution, the Coordinator performs the tasks assigned to it as described in the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement.

The Executive Committee (also Work Package 1 Committee) is responsible for monitoring the overall implementation of the Alliance and the individual contributions by the Parties, both with regards to management and content issues.

The Work Package Committees are responsible for the development and implementation of the deliverables of the Work Package and their monitoring, making use of the quality arrangements and tools of the alliance. Working groups are set up within the work packages based on the nominations of experts by the institutions or through open call for proposals for specific tasks related to the deliverables.

The Alliance Management Team supports the practical implementation of the activities in all work packages. It is responsible for the implementation of all policies developed in the field of Alliance Governance & Cooperation.

The Student Council represents the students’ voice to the governance bodies.

The Administrative Committee provides consultancy on the implementation of the alliance administrative and financial procedures, assisting in joint resolution of administrative obstacles and issues that may occur.

Click here to download the organizational chart.

Read and download the IN.TUNE Governance Structure and Partner Involvement document.