Strengthening our research dimension

The IN.TUNE Research Cooperation Framework is a comprehensive initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in research within the alliance partners. Through an inventory and comparative analysis, we will identify joint interests, resources, policies and needs related to research, laying the foundation for the establishment of IN.TUNE Knowledge Hubs.

These hubs bring together students, teachers, and researchers to develop and implement cooperative research initiatives. Our focus will be on promoting the link between research and education, cooperation and enhancing the quality and visibility of research outcomes.

With joint support to research supervision, enhanced access for research outcomes, and the publication of a position paper on research, we aim to drive advancements in the research activities in alliance partner institutions, while leveraging the collective expertise and resources of the alliance partners. Through these efforts, we aspire to create a lasting impact on research practices, policies and impact in artistic and education communities, and in society.


·  Three Annual IN.TUNE Knowledge Hubs

·  Three IN.TUNE research conferences, which will be open to both participants from IN.TUNE institutions and external participants

·  Participation in the IN.TUNE Register of Supervisors

·  Training for Research Supervisors

·  Open access to Research Outcomes

Members of the Work Package Committee

·  Juha Ojala, Professor at DocMus Doctoral School, Taideyliopisto – Sibelius-Akatemia (UNIARTS), Chair

·  Sidsel Karlsen, Vice-Principal for Research, Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH)

·  Desiela Ion, Assistant researcher & Musicologist, Universitatea Națională de Muzică din București (UNMB)

·  Amandine Pras, Head of Research and Innovation, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP)

·  Fèlix Pastor, Professor at Creation and Musical Theory Department, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona (ESMUC)

·  Therese Kaufmann, Head of Department for Research Support, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw)

·  Paul Craenen, Associate Professor Research, Stichting Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag – Koninklijk Conservatorium (HdK)

·  Dejan Subotić, Head of the Chamber Music Department Council, Coordinator of Artistic Doctoral Studies, Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Univerzitet umetnosti u Beogradu (UAB)

·  Sara de los Campos Valdés, IN.TUNE Student Council member, Stichting Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag – Koninklijk Conservatorium (HdK)

The IN.TUNE Policy for Capacity Building and Innovation will develop a sustainable plan for enhancing training, professional development and lifelong learning for teachers, non-educational staff and professionals within the institutions of the alliance. The two main types of professional development will be courses for teachers, and training courses for management and administrative staff.

Our ‘Artist as Teacher’ courses will provide a peer-to-peer setting for our teachers to acquire learning and teaching strategies from a critical point of view, as well as discuss issues on research, assessment and social safety. For our staff we will make use of the existing provision in alliance institutions and combine experience and knowledge to tailor courses focusing on establishing connections with the rest of the alliance and exchanging examples of good practice. To do so, an inventory and plan for institutional capacity building is being developed. Besides these goals, a progressive joint curricular innovation scheme will be defined, with a focus on interdisciplinary artistic pedagogy. For this we will count on our Associated Partners from related artistic fields.

With the development of these policies, we aim to establish a sustainable policy that will provide a framework for the implementation of forward-looking skills and competences within the alliance institutions.


·  Annual Artist as Teacher courses, for teachers going through a learning process together

·  Training courses for management and staff

·  Participation in the working group on new pedagogical methods, exploring new approaches to Learning & Teaching in artist pedagogy and what can be learned from pedagogical approaches in other artistic disciplines

Members of the Work Package Committee:

·  Alex Tentor, Professor of Guitar at Classical and Contemporary Music Department, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona (ESMUC), Chair

·  Ellen M. Stabell, Associate Professor, Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH)

·  Dan Dediu, Professor, Composer and Head of UNMB’s Senate, Universitatea Națională de Muzică din București (UNMB)

·  Emmanuelle Burstein, Deputy Head of Music Education Department, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP) 

·  Mikko Seppänen, Lecturer in Music Education, Taideyliopisto – Sibelius –Akatemia (UNIARTS)

·  Barbara Strack-Hanisch, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw)

·  Marijn Abbink, Policy advisor education, Stichting Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag – Koninklijk Conservatorium (HdK)

·  Sanela Nikolić, Associate Professor of Applied Aesthetics, Head of the Unit for complementary scientific and professional disciplines, Coordinator of the Applied Research in Music study programme, Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Univerzitet umetnosti u Beogradu (UAB)

·  IN.TUNE Student Council member, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP)

Capacity building and innovation in learning & teaching