IN.TUNE Alliance stands in solidarity with the University of Arts in Belgrade

The IN.TUNE European University Alliance stands in unwavering solidarity with the students and academic community of the University of Arts in Belgrade, one of the IN.TUNE Alliance partners. Over the past three months, we have closely monitored the developments at the University of Arts in Belgrade, its four faculties and other universities across Serbia.

The IN.TUNE Alliance, including the rectors, presidents of partner universities, alliance leadership, and the IN.TUNE Student Council, expresses deep concern while offering strong and unequivocal support for the students in Serbia and their legitimate demands.

We are particularly moved by the student-led nature of these movements, which strive for positive societal change and a just society. Their fight aligns with the shared European values of democracy, social and human rights, to which all alliance leaders affirmed their commitment in our Joint Vision Statement.

As IN.TUNE's core values include transparency, accountability, and the promotion of education as a fundamental human right, we are deeply troubled by the various risks that students and university staff in Serbia face while advocating for these rights, and by the escalating attacks on students during peaceful protests. We extend our empathy and solidarity to our colleagues – both educators and students – who are navigating these challenging circumstances.

Advocating for secure and improved working conditions for professors, students, and staff – on par with those enjoyed by colleagues across the alliance – is essential for maintaining the high quality of education at the University of Arts in Belgrade, which we greatly respect. Such excellence can only flourish in an environment that upholds the shared fundamental values of democracy, human rights, equality and academic and artistic freedom.

The IN.TUNE Alliance is staying closely tuned to the developments in Serbia, and with great concern. In these challenging times, being IN TUNE with each other is more important than ever.

Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe – IN.TUNE is the only European University Alliance in the field of music and arts. It brings together eight universities from North, East, South and West Europe – Norwegian Academy of Music Oslo (Norway), National University of Music Bucharest (Romania), Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris  (France), University of Arts Helsinki (Finland), Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya Barcelona (Spain), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Austria), University of Arts The Hague (The Netherlands) and University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia) – striving to deepen their cooperation to bring about institutional transformation and the enhancement of their quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness. In line with the goals set by the European strategy for universities, underlining the important role of higher education in shaping sustainable, democratic and resilient societies, IN.TUNE members are committed to the development of a joint long-term strategy with a strong artistic dimension for high quality education, research, innovation and service to society, becoming a role model for the wider higher education community across Europe and beyond.