IN.TUNE Alliance: First Six Months Highlights

In the first six months since its launch on January 1, 2024, the IN.TUNE Alliance has made exciting progress. With a central management team and dedicated Institutional Alliance Managers, we've been collaborating smoothly through our MS Teams platform, which now connects over 170 members. Our Work Package Committees are up and running, holding regular meetings that foster a spirit of teamwork. We've also been participating in international forums, making our mark in the European higher education scene. The Student Council has been very active, with several meetings already held and more to come.

In the areas of Joint Education and Mobility, Research and Innovation, and Societal Engagement, we've achieved significant milestones. Working Groups for mobility and e-Learning are established, and our first deliverables are in the draft phase. We're defining new joint educational formats and setting criteria for joint online courses, modules, and programs. Calls for proposals will be out soon! We've completed an overview of research contexts at each partner university and are drafting an inventory and comparative analysis of research activities. A call for members of the working group on research areas and environments is already published. The plan for "Artist as Teacher" courses for teachers is also in place, with the first course scheduled for the next academic year. Working Groups on Lifelong Learning and Employability, Professional Integration, and Sustainable Careers are set up and active. We've created a matrix of current activities and strategies across all partner institutions, forming a basis for future joint courses and activities.

These accomplishments highlight our commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and excellence across the alliance. As we move forward, the foundation we've built will support continued growth and the development of impactful educational, research and societal initiatives.
Read more here.